Consent Form
Each author must sign a consent to publish form, which allows USENIX to publish the paper as well as any slides, audio, and/or video of your presentation. USENIX makes these freely available as part of our commitment to open access. Please review and e-sign the form. If you are the lead author, please be sure all of your co-authors sign a form.
Authors are required to record videos of their presentations and prepare their slide decks prior to the conference. Videos and slide decks are due October 5th (23:59 CEST).
Submission Site: https://raid20.usenix.hotcrp.com
(go to the “edit submission” page on your paper’s hotcrp site. You will find two new elements for “Presentation Slides” and “Presentation Video”)
Video Specifications
- Authors must prepare a video of maximum 23 minutes in length. This video will be played live for you by the session chair during the event at your designated talk time slot of the program (and will be followed by a 7 minute Q&A session that authors will answer live).
- H.264 MP4 file format
- 1080p preferred
- 16:9 aspect ratio preferred
- 500MB max file size
- Clear audio (headphones and headsets are permitted)
- The following file naming convention, wherein [lastname] is the last name of the primary author of the paper:
- raid20_video_[lastname].mp4 (i.e. raid20_video_santos.mp4)
- Fullscreen slides with a speaker inset. You can use USENIX Virtual Conferencing Video Instructions for Presenters for step-by-step instructions since RAID proceedings are now under USENIX production.
Slides Specifications
- 16:9 aspect ratio preferred
- Introduction slide at the beginning of your presentation that clearly lists the name of your paper and the authors
- Closing slide to thank your audience and/or collaborators and list your contact information should you wish to receive follow-up questions from attendees
- PDF Format